Over the last few days, the theme in the media is how she is dragging down the ticket. One poll said that 55% of people thought she was incapable of being president, while 40% thought she was.
This morning in the Washington post, I saw this quote:"Overall, 52 percent of likely voters said they are less confident in McCain's judgment because his of surprise selection of Palin; 38 percent are more confident because of it. That represents a marked reversal from the initially positive reaction to the pick."
The other day, she told Brian Williams that the Vice President is in charge of the Senate. Um, maybe one of her handlers ought to have fed her the right answer after blowing it a few weeks ago. Those pesky ambush journalists.
My question is, who the F*ck are these morons that make up 2 out of every 5 adults? From which planet, or parallel universe, does she meet the minimum qualifications to lead a country? Perhaps knowing what her job description is might be a place to start. If someone wants to make the argument that McCain would be a better president than Obama, I would disagree, but would have to acknowledge that it was an opinon of merit. If the twit can't handle the tough questions posed by Katie Couric, how is she going to represent, let alone lead a country? Anyone who thinks that Sarah Palin is remotely qualified to be president needs to have their right to vote rescinded.
Apparently this opinion makes me some form of elitist selective racist who disparages rednecks, and casts aspursions against the real people of america. Based on the fact that I like to fish, enjoy NASCAR, have a garage full of power tools and drive a 14 year old Bronco, I myself might be categorized as a redneck. While I don't have anything parked on my lawn, don't have a gun rack, and I obtained a graduate degree in business might disqualify me, we'll leave that aside. Maybe I should start a grassroots group, Rednecks for Obama, or even better, Rednecks for Literacy and Cognitive Processes.
I guess I could go on with the litnany of reasons she is unqualified, but anyone who reads a newspaper and thinks for themselves should understand this already.
The fly of the day is the Yellow Sally Stone Fly, courtesy of the nice people at Fly Anglers Online

Thight Lines,