I ran by Boulder Creek this afternoon at lunch. There was clear water, it had risen about a foot since the last time I went by, and I saw a trout waiting patiently behind a rock.
Last year, a buddy and I decided we were going to shoot for 50 days, with at least some portion of time spent standing in a river, stream, or creek. Needless to say, we fell far short of that goal. I spent most of the off season, building a couple of rods, (one for me and one for my dad), tying flies, and learning more about tying flies.
The time for the academic portion of this program has now concluded. I've been out 3 times already, but let's face it, fishing season is upon us, and it's time to get on the river.
There will be no fly of the day, today. It's time to go fish.
Tight Lines,