Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Time To Fish

I ran by Boulder Creek this afternoon at lunch. There was clear water, it had risen about a foot since the last time I went by, and I saw a trout waiting patiently behind a rock.

Last year, a buddy and I decided we were going to shoot for 50 days, with at least some portion of time spent standing in a river, stream, or creek. Needless to say, we fell far short of that goal. I spent most of the off season, building a couple of rods, (one for me and one for my dad), tying flies, and learning more about tying flies.

The time for the academic portion of this program has now concluded. I've been out 3 times already, but let's face it, fishing season is upon us, and it's time to get on the river.

There will be no fly of the day, today. It's time to go fish.

Tight Lines,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Only In Boulder

The title of the article about says it, Only in Boulder. It seems to me that some folks have too much time on their hands, if they have the time to come up with a new way to define the relationship between owners and pets. The woman at the center of this movement started out with great intentions, yet somehow, I think lost the plot, in trying to alter behavior through a naming convention.

To paraphrase Dennis Miller, as soon as my dog starts following me around with a plastic bag to pick up after me, we will start talking about how we are going to redefine our relationship.

The fly of the day is the, PMD CDC Dun, courtesy of Bob Bush, and the folks at Front Range Anglers.

Tight Lines,


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tweetle Dee and Twitter Dumb

I know there has been a lot of twitter bashing on television, e.g. John Stewart, and in other places, but I stumbled upon this yesterday, and it is truly funny.

Admittedly, I don't tweet, because I'm pretty sure nobody cares to know when I'm having a sandwich or I'm heading out to rugby training. I do know others who feel that twitter helps them keep in touch with their peeps. Based on the popularity of the service or medium, sardonic backlash was probably inevitable.
The fly of the day is the WD40, courtesy of the folks at Front Range Anglers. It may not look like much, but when it's midge season, this one comes in handy. I've used it in greens, greys, and black.

Tight Lines,

Monday, March 16, 2009

0 for 3


I've been out on the water 3 times so far. All I have to show for it are a couple of nibbles; no fish in hand yet for '09.

Rather than get discouraged, I'm trying to figure out the next time I can get out there and see if I can coax a fish into biting on a fly. It's a bit of a humbling experience, yet with a little luck, a temporary one.

One thing I did see that was a bit perturbing was watching a couple of morons from the tackle box crowd kill a couple of fish that could not have been more than 8 inches long. I have to ask what is the point. You might be able to make a couple of hors d'oeuvres that you can put on a cracker out of an 8 inch fish. Based on the size of the guts that these guys were using for leverage to pull in those monsters, they haven't been missing any meals lately... Anyway, I digress.

The fly of the day is the Flash Western Coachman, courtesy of the great folks down at Front Range Anglers and guest fly tier Paul Prentiss.

Tight Lines,
