The other day, I went fishing on South Boulder Creek, up by Walker Ranch. Great day, sun was shinning, mild breeze, a bit of cloud cover here and there to break things up, and the fish were biting on some Stimi's that I tied recently. Because it is August, it is wet wading season in Colorado. Waders have their purpose, but if the water is warm enough for you to go in with a pair of shorts and a pair of boots, it is a far superior day.
The one thing I didn't take into account, when planning this little journey, was that Walker is about 1/2 mile below the dam, and hence, that water is fairly cold. After about 15 minutes in the water, I started to feel my toes tingle, and it had nothing to do with the bite being on.
In my younger and more reckless years, I would have just plowed through, and stood in the middle of the river to keep fishing. On this day, a slightly different thought that went through my head: If I come home with frostbite on my toes, my lovely wife will not be impressed, and I will certainly hear about this for the rest of my existence. With that thought in mind, I figured it was better to spend the rest of the afternoon, fishing from the shore, or perched upon a rock in the stream, with my toes safely out of the water.
I'm not sure that I have become any smarter over years, but I can thank my wife for adding a few valuable branches to my decision tree.
The next trip to the fly shop will include a purchase of a pair of these:

The fly of the day is the Boulder Creek Caddis, provided by Jay Zimmerman over at Front Range Anglers
Tight Lines,
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