Sunday, February 24, 2008

A good day on the water

I finally got on the water for my first day of 2008. I had a trip to the San Juan River planned for about a month ago, but had to get some stuff done for the job that I quit about 3 days before I was scheduled to go. (Funny how that works, cancelling a fishing trip because you just gave notice. Clearly my logic was flawed in that thought process somehow. )

Anyway, it was a glorious day on the water. One of those rare days where you get 50+ degree weather, intermittent clouds and sun. Didn't catch a single fish. Thought I had a nibble or two, but hard to tell when you are dragging weight along the bottom. My buddy Scott caught a pretty nice fish, so the we didn't get skunked completely.

Regardless of not catching fish, I couldn't think of a better way to spend a saturday. Fly fishing is one of the activities you can do that requires you to focus completely on the task at hand. Work, life and other drama producing entities are completely filtered out. It's a beautiful thing. Now don't get me wrong, catching fish is always better than not catching fish, but getting that first day in of the year has it's own rewards.

Fly of the day:
Larry's Golden Stone (Courtesy of the very nice people at Royal Gorge Anglers)

Tight Lines,


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