Friday, February 22, 2008

Got to get better at this blogging thing

I've joined a company called Lijit, which provides search functionality for other blogs in a publisher's trusted network of blogs and other content, yielding more relevant searches for the reader. Part of the job is to "eat the meal", or use the product and become immersed in the bloggers' workflow. Makes sense, so that we can build and mold products that provide real utility for our community of users.

The hurdle I'm facing is going from "hey, that's a cool idea, I should post an entry about that" to actually doing it seems to be a chasm that I am finding difficulty crossing. I'll get there, like everything else it is a learned behavior or pattern, but I must admit that there is a frustration level that I will experience that I will endure until I make that leap.

Over the last week, there have been a variety of topics from the NBA, to why nobody should ever allow themselves to being talked into serving a second term running a volunteer organization, to the Daytona 500, to politics, etc. Blogging about 'cold' topics just doesn't seem as interesting as blogging about 'current' topics, and besides, I probably would produce inferior blogs. One of these days, I will get my act together.

Rather than the pattern of the week, check out this site, it is amazing. These are flies that this guy ties. Bang around on the site, and you'll see come of the monster fish that have been coaxed into taking a bite.

I'm going to see if I can get a brown to bite on the Arkansas tomorrow, I'll post report, that is more or less accurate on my return.


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